Monday, June 01, 2015

Kitabu Junkie

So I had started a blog called kitabu junkie...I wanted it to be primarily to blog about books like a book review blog...But as always I lost the log in URL and this and anyhu I will squeeze in the books I read this summer here... I am calling it my facebook free summer and challenging myself to A book a week summer...So this week I am reading Untouchables by Narenda Jadhav....It is the story retold of an Indian family that was born into the lowest category of the caste system. Yani they were considered the scum on the ground by the higher castes.yani like poop...Heh we used to learn about these castes in Histo but until I read this book I had no idea how bad it was...Yani they could not even touch or come near anyone from a higher caste...So anyway this man is on a quest to get his family out of this lifestyle..he wants them to get an education etc so he defies the rules he is even beaten he runs away with his whole family...and that is where I am...

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