.....Before you read this post if you have not already watched the video that happened at a pool party in Mc Kinney Texas this past weekend it is here attached
McKinney Texas pool party police brutality...
So I do nursing home visits - go to peoples homes assess their medical condition do their medications etc.I actually enjoy it and one of the main reasons - there is so much flexibility as a nurse to actually sit and LISTEN and meet your patients where they feel most empowered. Go through their family albums listen to their stories it is just awesome.
..So today I was at Mr. X home it was around noon. We chatted with the daughter she told me she was cop - she does training of other cops in the academy etc etc So like I said it was noon. So the noon news came on and his daughter was present.So they showed a segment of the video posted above of the pool party that turned ugly with the cop shoving the African American girl to the ground. So the lady goes like what a horrible thing that was, Immediately there was a heavy silence in the room like you could hear the proverbial crickets crickets. As she looked at me as she said those words. Both of us on eitherside of the spectrum. Here a cop and me the African American kid. Both of us with our own 2 cents on matters of race and police brutality which we would of course not care to share at that moment. I immediately killed the vibe and went like Mr. X how is your pain? You could feel the cloud lift from the room. The home visit was short lived from here. But anyway for me the whole video just made me wonder - while yes from what I heard the pool party had become unruly I ust winder was that force necessary? The girl in teh video looks barely 15. Liek the cop is holding her head pushign it down as he has both his knees on her back. Surely will she not be traumatized after this incident?
Its so ironical that McKinney Texas - where the incident happened is ranked THE BEST state to live in America - which begs the question ina country where the president is not above the law why does it feel like the boys in blue can use so much force and get "leaves of abscences from work until the dust settles?" These are my midnight musings ...
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