Sunday, November 11, 2012

Ni mwathani!!!

Lol I know its a  weird blog today I have finally got around to slowly getting the house back in shape after the Kardashians left.Seriously last week I was going through Kubler Ross stages of grief I mean everything all went down last week.After six months of coming home to the smell of chapatis , Steve Harvey blaring on the TV "thats a good answer!" with his new day time gig on Family Feud , Adisa barking orders on her Dragon laptop, Jessy on I heart radio jamin to some bump that shake that music is what i call it... I instead came home last week to silence, darkness.I had ever heard my neighbor upstairs move and fo once I heard her....There were days I would come home from an overnight the past six months and just pray for a little hole to crawl into and sleep and now I have it....And on top of that I also left the job I had called home for the last five years.Ladies who I had grown to know as friends I had known to see their behaviors coming from a mile away and grown to see them as unique individuals with unique capabilities despite their developemental disabilities. They made me the sweteest manila huge poster with spelling so wrong it made me smile , " You always in our thought and heart.." " You make a work hard nurse." " We missed you so much so ." and on and on...It was bittersweet - but yes I felt it was time to leave - you know the four - 5 year cycle of a job - after every 4-5 years I think its important to review yourself at your work place to avoid the burnout which is where I was headed with that yes it was as though the rug was snatched from beneath my feet last week and yes I was allowed my one week of grief......HOWEVER you know me I bounce back and bounce back I have...Today I have finally started making the house mine  - fixing this moving that...Soo anyhu back to the topic Ni Mwathani was a phrase we coined this trip and trust me God has seen us as a family through the past six months...You know I look back now and think wait a minute we never lacked food - actually we had the ice creams and the pork was paid on time.I mean so many things happened the last six months that all I can say ni Mwathani.
I meet a guy at a parking lot who took the adopt a chair project vision and run with it - introducing it to his church who donated ten wheelchairs.
My special soldiers - Joanie and Dennz who -  did shopping and sacrificed their time energy and selves in various forms to make my families stay worthwhile
Two special ladies stepped up on so many occasions when I was not at home to take madthe and the other Kardashians from walks on the beach ice cream and Friday dinner...
I reconnected with a friend from Jersey who just moved to Mass for work and she also rounds up her ten people who will be giving through direct deposit for the adopt a chair project
I got a job only to loose it after about three weeks only to find out that one of my patients' sister was a nurse manager and she was impressed at how I looked after her sister and pushed for my application at an even better and fabulous faccility that is and ten minutes away  I get a position with benefits - which I dint have since I was done with school - finally I can get contacts!!!
I get the best neighbour who embraced my family and dint rat on me to the landlord that I was harboring guests for more than three weeks as stipulated in the lease - we nicknamed her Wanjiku on the last day as really she is an Oreo - white on the outside but a black sister on the inside!! lol
I finally got to see my dad and little sister after six years - form four leaver granted a visitors visa to the US in 2012 - well after putting up a fight ;) 
At departure they were allowed two yes TWO extra pieces of luggage at no cost - yes Delta that are looking for funding left right center some lady just came from nowehere and deemed them " for medical use"

All in all I can say Ni Mwathani on so many fronts - I havent even begun to mention how I got this house two days before they came on the ground floor - no stairs - which so helped with trasnfers... just when I was about to give up -  there was a day I was so fed up driving around making so many calls looking for a place getting so many rejections and I actually just pulled over and balled my eyes all in all Ni Mwathani His ways are definately not ours and for real this last six months I have seen his hand.So as I slowly wean myself off - and finally get around to turning on the TV - yeah I am not so big on tv all I can say is there is a power greater than self that never sleeps never slumbers knows the hairs on our head knows every tear that we shed and his name is Yahweh!!!