Sunday, July 13, 2008

The Ditch Diggers daughters

Okay so today is Sunday - my prime time for chiming in as Priscilla calls it...It has been a minute since I was last here I really have a busy life sometimes I ask for a few extra hours which I know shows lack of priorities yet again....So anyway I am reading a PHENOMENAL book its called the ditch diggers daughters - by Yvonne Thornton wait I forgot DR. Yvonne Thornton...she writes about growing up as a ditch diggers daughter in NJ when racism was the order of the day in a family of six girls who became succecsful physicians and enterprenures...
The story is so deep as their mum and dad were poor but they believed that their daughetrs would become doctors someday "with "scrippyscrappies" around their neck - stethoscopes.. which they did..I have some phrases that the dad used to tell them in order not to loose sight of the goal...they are the ish

"Men can get old..even when they are sixty ,women will lok at them ansd say Oh you are so mature..but you women, you only got a certain amount of time to make it and you got to act fast....."

"The way to get to an ultimate goal is to set intermediate goals along the way.."

"I want you to go to school with children who have goals or whose parents have goals for them ...that way you will get a head start.."

Women are stupid cant help it coz God made you that way.Women are to have kids and men are to run around..thats the natural every hour theres about three seconds that you are you ahve to select when you are gonna be stupid.."

If you let other people hold low expectations for you or if you hold them for yourself , you will come to believe that is all you are capable of.But if you really set yourself to trying and keep going after higher and higher goals , there is no limit to what you can accomplish.."

"In order to take something from your child you got to replace it with something ."

"If your down you will come back up again just do not loose sight of your goal."
and the final one - my favourite...

"Women have the capacity to love anybody , but men are dogs.Its in their nature to run around.But if a man latches on to somebody he truly loves , if the sun rises and sets in that one woman , if she is all that he ever wants then he will stick by her

For real the book is mind blowing, inspirational , hard to put downer those books that make you want to get up and get going....this summer i have dedicated it to reading books that give me uh huh moments...My next read is a Child called "IT"...Priscilla reckons it will make me cry...Oh and I just finished Left to Tell - Discovering God amidst the Rwandan holocaust - Immaculee Biography..good stuff there but was slightly over done in the emphasis on thee spiritual part...

Oh from A thousand splendid suns which I had just finished- another good one from Khalled Hosseini the best quote, "A woman like a rock in a river bed - enduring without complaint-her grace not sullied but SHAPED by her circumstances..." aaagh punches in the air punches in the air....

Okay so am going to DC on Tuesday - I was selected as Project Ambassador 08 - 09 for One World Youth Project so we have a retreat / training this week and I have an exam for my anatomy class -oh did I tell you I am taking anatomy and the profeeor is the ish...he makes you see things from a whole new perspective he is so thorough you get to see why C is C because of B and B because of A....but yet againmaybe I just love Bio too much (geek squad)..Then there is a work in progrees that Adi and madthe are working on will keep you posted...