Thursday, January 24, 2008

Need v Long Haul

This is the first article I have come up with the title AFTER I blog my thoughts....
Yesterday I was talking to someone so dear to me ahem ahem you know yourself and she was like she felt fake coz they had just broken up with a certain Mr X he had got what he wanted and now she felt cheap so I told her she shouldnt feel cheap instead look at it in the sense that the romance was cheap and she also got what she wanted.But the whole thing got me thinking hard as it seems to be happening to me too - I tend to call it "The Needy Syndrome."I think we as humans attract people in our lives based on our expression of certain needs.People walk into your life because you have expressed a certan need and hence they try fulfill it.It could be emotional , financial , physical - you know your needs...So anyway I think we need to know the difference when someone is there just to fulfill a need as opposed to when they are there to walk beside us to the bitter end.In so doing we will be able to know when the need has been met and walk away gracefully from the relationship without too many expectations,heartbreak the shoulda coulda wouldas....
So then I ask myself how do you know the difference between a need meeter and a real am-here for-the-long haul kinda person???Oh trust me the signs are all the there from the get go......the need meeters are not interested in you as a person they are interested in what you need and what they need in return for meeting your needs..the word need here is becoming redundant!They will not bother to find out why you like your eggs well done they will want to make your eggs well done and leave...I am talking in 3d perspective here - apply it in all areas...The long haul people will want to find out the finer details that define you as a person - they willl know what your values are and respect them ,they will know when you are upset even in the tone of a text message...bla bla bla I can go on and on but you get the picture right...I know I do...and trust me I have learnt the hard people lets be smart enough and know when the need has been met and walk away...

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