Yeah today I honestly feel like Patrick Njiru in his hey days I have been continously driving from 8 in the morning till up about now I got lost as usual in the morning looking for the doctors kiosk so for one hour I was driving around Andover looking for the podiatrist - dont ask....lookingas suspicious as ever like a parol!!!So anyway after that drove home then drove to Salem and trust me these distances are not ati from mama pimas to baba pimas across the road I am talking a good one to two hours on a highway and the way nowadays I cruise at 80mph - too much Italian job..speaking of which the minnie cars are haunting my existence.I love those minnie cars to death - everyone around me knows that everywhere I look I c those babies they make me weak in my knees...right now my fantasy would be to cruise in a minnie just for ten minutes or half an hour on the 95 interstate thats all I ask Santa pls????I am seriously not a fan of big cars although my sister loves big cars big everything.I guess it says alot about personality...I prefer the simpler things in life just being content and happy inside is all that matters to me....
Okay I am beginning to dribble and drab about nothing yah coz its twelve thirty and oh yah the week did not start out as bad as I was dreading actually I love my classes today my proffesors are ladies..which is ok with me but I think I prefer male proffessors.....I think its the whole Mars Venus attraction that makes me succeed inmy classes when the proffesors are men..ok so yes I have begun to sound like I have taken one to many shots of gnite.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Sunday, January 27, 2008
tit bits
The fact that you were born,Is proof, God has a plan for you.The path may seem unclear right now,But one day you will see,That all that came before,Was truly meant to be.God wrote the book that is your life,That's all you need to know.Each day that you are living,Was written long ago.God only writes best sellers,So be proud of who you are,Your character is important,In this book you are the Star.Enjoy the novel as it reads,It will stand throughout the ages,Savor each chapter as you go,Taking time to turn the pages.
Monday Blues
It is approximately no it is exactly 1 thirty eight in the morning Monday and am upstairs when I should be downstairs in bed...reason being its a Sunday that I do not want to sleep coz I am dreading tomorrow...this supercedes Monday blues trust me this is a whole new level....The day has been so good went to watch some new dancing step up movie I think its called "the way she moves" - yeah it had no effect on me whatsoever so much so that I cant remember the name one of the cliche dancing movies that are coming up - poor girl wants to make it big gets into a dance group another group steals their moves eventually win...jeez talk about not another teen movie reloaded!!!!..anyhu back to my Monday blues.....oh yes I think I have had a light bulb moment as to the reason I am down...I did not go to church today..Now its atonement time...then another reason I just feel so inept ...unprepared psychologically physically and emotionally for the week..something is bugging me and I need to put my finger on it......and yes I think I have got it....this weekend I realized I have failed my very good friend Deno and myself...I have not been there for him as he has been there for me on so many occasions its countless... I have put my own selfish needs first and now I think the guilt is eating me up....second myself I have failed myself by not being true to my values and what I stand for so I need to go for self evaluation class 101 all over again - Priscilla where ya at???Mmmmh I am heaving a sigh of relief it is off mu I need to call Deno....yah we are that close I can call him at this time of the morning and he will be ready to listen to me rant and rave about nothing at all........
Okay so let me go and I hope I can find the directions I need for the doctors appointment tommorow - yeah my crazy week begins.....
Be a bush if you can't be a tree. If you can't be a highway, just be a trail. If you can't be a sun, be a star. For it isn't bysize that you win or fail. Be the best of whatever you are.
Okay so let me go and I hope I can find the directions I need for the doctors appointment tommorow - yeah my crazy week begins.....
Be a bush if you can't be a tree. If you can't be a highway, just be a trail. If you can't be a sun, be a star. For it isn't bysize that you win or fail. Be the best of whatever you are.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
New England my foot!!!!

Remind me y I chose to live in Massachussetes again ??oh yah coz it was my safest bet at that time in my life...Save for the best football team - Go Pats!!!!,baseball and almost best basketball team I think this State has the worst weather this side of the Saharra.They do not call it 'New England"for kicks sake...we might as well have been called "New Alaska" coz the winter is here and I can assure you Mother Nature is fast approaching menopause...she has been mean this time round.....I have been shovelling and falling slipping and sliding on the road getting frost bites , freezing... as you can seethe list is endless.....I really do not like the cold weather..I love sunshine it just makes my heart smile from the inside...note to self..should have been a sunflower in another anyhu here are pics of me looking for the car in the snow to drive a good 50 minutes to Salem State College-yeah thats the bargaining chip for wanting to live in "New England"
Need v Long Haul
This is the first article I have come up with the title AFTER I blog my thoughts....
Yesterday I was talking to someone so dear to me ahem ahem you know yourself and she was like she felt fake coz they had just broken up with a certain Mr X he had got what he wanted and now she felt cheap so I told her she shouldnt feel cheap instead look at it in the sense that the romance was cheap and she also got what she wanted.But the whole thing got me thinking hard as it seems to be happening to me too - I tend to call it "The Needy Syndrome."I think we as humans attract people in our lives based on our expression of certain needs.People walk into your life because you have expressed a certan need and hence they try fulfill it.It could be emotional , financial , physical - you know your needs...So anyway I think we need to know the difference when someone is there just to fulfill a need as opposed to when they are there to walk beside us to the bitter end.In so doing we will be able to know when the need has been met and walk away gracefully from the relationship without too many expectations,heartbreak the shoulda coulda wouldas....
So then I ask myself how do you know the difference between a need meeter and a real am-here for-the-long haul kinda person???Oh trust me the signs are all the there from the get go......the need meeters are not interested in you as a person they are interested in what you need and what they need in return for meeting your needs..the word need here is becoming redundant!They will not bother to find out why you like your eggs well done they will want to make your eggs well done and leave...I am talking in 3d perspective here - apply it in all areas...The long haul people will want to find out the finer details that define you as a person - they willl know what your values are and respect them ,they will know when you are upset even in the tone of a text message...bla bla bla I can go on and on but you get the picture right...I know I do...and trust me I have learnt the hard people lets be smart enough and know when the need has been met and walk away...
Yesterday I was talking to someone so dear to me ahem ahem you know yourself and she was like she felt fake coz they had just broken up with a certain Mr X he had got what he wanted and now she felt cheap so I told her she shouldnt feel cheap instead look at it in the sense that the romance was cheap and she also got what she wanted.But the whole thing got me thinking hard as it seems to be happening to me too - I tend to call it "The Needy Syndrome."I think we as humans attract people in our lives based on our expression of certain needs.People walk into your life because you have expressed a certan need and hence they try fulfill it.It could be emotional , financial , physical - you know your needs...So anyway I think we need to know the difference when someone is there just to fulfill a need as opposed to when they are there to walk beside us to the bitter end.In so doing we will be able to know when the need has been met and walk away gracefully from the relationship without too many expectations,heartbreak the shoulda coulda wouldas....
So then I ask myself how do you know the difference between a need meeter and a real am-here for-the-long haul kinda person???Oh trust me the signs are all the there from the get go......the need meeters are not interested in you as a person they are interested in what you need and what they need in return for meeting your needs..the word need here is becoming redundant!They will not bother to find out why you like your eggs well done they will want to make your eggs well done and leave...I am talking in 3d perspective here - apply it in all areas...The long haul people will want to find out the finer details that define you as a person - they willl know what your values are and respect them ,they will know when you are upset even in the tone of a text message...bla bla bla I can go on and on but you get the picture right...I know I do...and trust me I have learnt the hard people lets be smart enough and know when the need has been met and walk away...
Thursday, January 10, 2008
New Years Resolution
Okay am back..... after a lot of procrastination my last entry was on November the 27th and here I am January the 10th- today is a special day- Muraya Holla!!!I have decided that I will only have one resolution - do everything that I did last year differently and have a passion in everything that I do...I think that sums up all the resolutions that I can come up with..because I can say that I want to loose weight this year but if I have no passion for it then it is pointlesss.I can say that I want to help the less fortunate this year but if I have no passion I will achieve nothing...Christmas came and went thank God I did not spend it at work as I did my first christmas in this country...I chose to spend it with people so dear to me - Winnie , Mercy, Mary in Salem MA.I can describe each and eveyone in detail but that would take up a whole blog coz they are all so special and unique in their own way - love them to bits...We were initially to have a lunch from two but being the Africans that we are ended up eating the nyam chom at 6 but we had a ball all the same...Oh yes and the weekend before I had spent it at the Richardsons - thats my other family - I think I have special angels all over the place we had such a ball went bowling with Debbie - my sweet angel with Multiple sclerosis such a fighter and a diva at that - Debbie has the biggest closet I have seen in MA!!!and her sweet son Peter who has grown so much in the last year and the last day of my viist he was like "Penny no go home today Penny stay with Peter"He makes my heart melt for sure...
Sadly Kenya had her elections on the 27th and it did not turn out so well...there was outwright rigging by the curent president which erupted in violence across the country but being the mature Kenyans we are people rose above that and helped out as much as they could and peace is slowly being established.The sad part however is those whose houses, shops etc were burnt down and what pains the most is that the people most affected are the ones with less resources than your average mwananchi living below the poverty line.So while the well to do in State House are chanting behind their armed guarded mansions that the elections were rigged they watch on their plasma TV their fellow Kenyans in Kibera slain each other - am sure paid a measly sum to do that...we will not name names here...
It is so sad that Kenya has had to begin her year on such a low note -with bloodshed ,people have lost loved ones all in the name of greed. the dollar went up , Safaricons much anticipated IPO had to be put on hold , schools had to be postponed sponsorships from abroad have been withdrawn etc.Watching the drama unfold from the diaspora , we are putting ourselves in the leagues of Sudan , DRC ,Ethiopia who have had no stable government for a very long time...So why are we as humans so greedy for power and prestige that we put our integrity on the line...Honestly speaking who will ever listen to Kibaki anymore ..anything he says will be hogwash - not that we ever fully did listen as all he spoke was gibberish with a looney wife to back him up!People I tell you at the end of the day when everything has been stripped away all that is left is your character.....not what you have done but who you are is what wins the day....So as you go about your day to day activities be men and women of integrity ....untainted, just and honest as possible....
Oh yes then guess where I went to jump the year with my other angel Priscilla - Orlando Florida but I will put that posting with the pics this space..
Sadly Kenya had her elections on the 27th and it did not turn out so well...there was outwright rigging by the curent president which erupted in violence across the country but being the mature Kenyans we are people rose above that and helped out as much as they could and peace is slowly being established.The sad part however is those whose houses, shops etc were burnt down and what pains the most is that the people most affected are the ones with less resources than your average mwananchi living below the poverty line.So while the well to do in State House are chanting behind their armed guarded mansions that the elections were rigged they watch on their plasma TV their fellow Kenyans in Kibera slain each other - am sure paid a measly sum to do that...we will not name names here...
It is so sad that Kenya has had to begin her year on such a low note -with bloodshed ,people have lost loved ones all in the name of greed. the dollar went up , Safaricons much anticipated IPO had to be put on hold , schools had to be postponed sponsorships from abroad have been withdrawn etc.Watching the drama unfold from the diaspora , we are putting ourselves in the leagues of Sudan , DRC ,Ethiopia who have had no stable government for a very long time...So why are we as humans so greedy for power and prestige that we put our integrity on the line...Honestly speaking who will ever listen to Kibaki anymore ..anything he says will be hogwash - not that we ever fully did listen as all he spoke was gibberish with a looney wife to back him up!People I tell you at the end of the day when everything has been stripped away all that is left is your character.....not what you have done but who you are is what wins the day....So as you go about your day to day activities be men and women of integrity ....untainted, just and honest as possible....
Oh yes then guess where I went to jump the year with my other angel Priscilla - Orlando Florida but I will put that posting with the pics this space..
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