Thursday, July 12, 2012

Feminist , no?

Okay so I started reading fifty shades of grey a couple of weeks back and can you imagine I stopped midway...not that it was boring actually quite the contrary to  quote a friends face book status "That book can do a  number on ones loins.." anyway short of the long call me nun call me boring call me feminist, hypocritical but I found it a bit to raunchy aii even kinky is putting it mildly...that did not even bug me as much as the way the submissive is made to come off as just that...submissive... I felt the things that she was allowing to get done to her all to fulfill the dominants sexual fetishes like really get a doll Mr dont need a woman of flesh and a soul to do the things you are makign her do...yeeah my workmate who gave me the book is on teh second one - fifty shades darker reckons part 2 is much better than part one - that he gets to open up and actually says he loves her so maybe I need to get off my high horse and get to the end of it...well maybe its my conscious doing a number on me...and then on Monday when I took Jessy to do he rhair I was watchign CNN some lady in where was that Iraq?Afghanistan who was shot nine time sby Taliban for apparent "adultery" I was like wait hold up we are in 2012 is this a clip from 800 AD??That a woman is being murdered for going outside the ndoa...I was stark raving mad that women are still getting the back bench being treated as less than men AAAAAAAAAAAAAGH screams screams...Gosh am so glad I learnt from when I was young there are no glass ceilings that cannot be shattered your gender is not directly related to who are where you can go.I remember it was such a joy to race in swimming with the boys and win the races in class compete with Stephen M and Peter for number one two and three in exams....or maybe I may be more feministic than I think....On other news I am reading a great book - yeah after ditchign fifty shades..Its called House of stone - two families torn apart in war torn Zimbabwe I love love love it maybe its coz I have two very near and dear Zimbabwean friends....okay over and out..

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