So there has been an ongoing separation of families at the Southern US border. This is as a follow up to the current administration zero tolerance policy as issued by AG Sessions in April. Basically jump the fence and we will come after you . But not just that we will separate you and your children to serve as a warning to your comrades in Honduras, Ecuador, Chile etc that we do not give a krap. We have to continue in the pursuit of making America great. You do the crime, you do the time at all costs.
I remember it as though it were yesterday - September 1st 2006.On a warm Nairobi Friday night I left all I knew and hopped on a British Airways flight bound to Boston, MA. Carrying with me a suitcase full of winter clothes and $1000 that stood between me and homelessness.. I was coming to the land of the free and the home of the brave. I was coming to seek a better future for myself and my family that I knew I would not have had had I stayed. Flashback to three months ago - I was adding my name to the savings account. The teller asked me - are you still working as a receptionist? I froze for a moment. Wow when I had initially opened the account I was working as a receptionist. I took a minute to respond - in this country where even a minute of silence is deemed awkward. "Ma'm?" the teller called as she snapped me back to reality. "No I currently work as a nurse - actually a nurse practitioner." I replied.
You see a nurse practitioner in the US is classified as a health care provider. Basically practices at the same level as a doctor, physician assistant - write prescriptions, does diagnostic workups etc etc. So when she asked me that I had to take a moment and reflect at how America has opened door after door for me. I have had one stepping stone after the other that has allowed me to grow in my career. During my college days I was fortunate to receive awards and scholarships that enabled me to pay my way through college etc etc.America is a great country - a large country. And it is large enough for everyone to thrive and succeed.
My story is not unique to the immigrants who are coming across the border. If anything unlike me - they are literally fleeing for their lives safety. They want the exact same things we do - a better future and life for their children. So for me seeing the images of children being kept in cage like contraptions at the Southern border separated from their parents has been heart wrenching to say the least. Lets be honest - the strategy is a scare tactic to make a "we mean business" statement.
I get it - America has given out handouts to the world for too long. America has been "the granary of the world" for too long - I am sure you have seen the USAID bales of corn being distributed in various refugee camps across the globe. I get it - immigrants come and "take the jobs" they "cause crimes" I will just throw it in here that most times these same "immigrants" take on the most menial labor intense job - I mean harvesting crop in sunny California, working long hours in factories. All they want is that better future and hope for their children.
Lady liberty said it best
“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”
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