Monday, September 03, 2012

Of freshman fever and alumnitis

So I was walking on campus the other day and I meet a group of freshmen walking in groups with their leaders according to their last names.Their excitement was palpable as they walked through the college campus with bright blue orientation bags carrying other paraphanelia...I felt a tinge of nostalgia looking back thinking wow there are just about to begin their college career.And as a fresh alumni I immediately begun to think wow they are starting off on an amazing journey.I wished I could gather them all together and tell them that they will start off as one hundred kids but not everyone will make it to graduation - and not because they will not make the grade - but for some they will realize that college may not be the path they want to take and will still succeed if they fully believe in themself - look at Mark Zukerburg...I would tell them to expose themself to classes outside the curriculum - from glassblowing to a spanish class, to study abroad if they can.I will tell them that in college some will meet their life long partners.I will tell them expect to change your major a million and one times - I did that four times from Bio to Psychology to business to Nursing - wasted time but it exposed me to the areas I know I particularly do not excell at.I will tell them to value their professors and its not enough to slip in and out of class and for the professor to know just their name on the roster - as the professors have some brilliant minds and (great networks in the job market).I would tell them to EXHAUST any resource they can on campus - scholarships, grants, research studies,internships.Speaking of internships I would tell them to spend half their semesters researching and applying for internships and fellowships,half their summers on the beach and the other half participating in internships from their first year - yes first year...I caught on too late cough cough ;)..I would tell them to diversify their friends circle - you will learn so much from the Chinese kid and the international student from Nigeria.I would tell them if they can find a way to pay off their loans bit by bit during summer breaks to avoid finishing with a huge loan after college,.I would tell them there are nights you will want to throw your hands in the air and  give up - cold winter nights when projects are due and you still have to work and make the grade - but it will all be worth it when you take that pic in your gown and cap with your loved on graduation day.I would tell them to be careful who they hung out with coz that close buddy of yours father is the CEO of a huge investment firm and will be guaranteed a position after college even if they get a 1.0 GPA and as for you will just have your resume and diploma to show for it and not the nights you two spent partying....But most of all I would tell them enjoy the ride,enjoy the campus activities, make friends , take time off to smell the flowers on campus - life is never that serious...sigh I think I have a case of alumnitis...

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