Monday, January 16, 2012

Of Disney and childhood

Okay so yeah its one a.m as usual am up - sigh the perils of late nigth blogging...So anyhu Beauty and the Beast is out on big screen - in 3d...Lion King was out a few months ago...okay so one of two things - either movie sales are at a record low and they are trying to rake in some quick cash - coz trust me they are always sold out on openign night - or two these are just timeless classics - I will stick with timeless classics.coz for real thats what they are.Well lemme say growing up Disney cartoons were like our daily bread.We had mastered all the songs - liek word for word to Aladdin, Little mermaid it was ridiculous - well I guess we had no Iphones or face book.So in memory o fteh timeless classics - here are links that I think only my sister, Astou, Leon and Tyrone will appreciate teh first hit
A whoel new world - OMG it was mad ein 1989
and finally
oh one final one

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