Thursday, December 29, 2011

From Novice to Expert

So yesterday I was in the E.R - yet again...and in the process of driving to the ER in the hugest wheelchair van - my goodness those things are big I lost my mulika mwizi nokia phone - trust me its not even a 3310 its smaller than small.I did not have my charger for my samsung so I did a little swap for "in the meantime" and darn in a night my phone dissapears so am stranded until tommorrow - I will get new sim - oh boy all my anyhu...there is a nursing theorist - Patricia Benner whose theory is on from the novice nurse to the expert nurse and it was funny in the ER I started remembering my first days in nursing school.My whole class and I - it was an assesment class had absolutely no idea what we were doing - when the instructor would say ok listen for lung sounds and we would hear nothing. not even that taking a blood pressure was torture - Korotkoffs sounds, systolic dyastolic so many terms.And so yesterday in the ER with a patient as I heard crackles in all his lung fields and gave report to his nurse and actually talked the lingo lol I remembered my novice beginning years when we would freak out when the instructor said "ok go in and assess your patient" and you gave the deer in the headlight look.Of course am nowhere near expert but am just glad that as I look back at the nursing journey it has been real - we were reminiscing with my friends on clinical days driving half an hour on a cold Sunday snowy morning, hustling on the train to Boston - going to Childrens hosi for pedi I mean it has been an amazing journey.Yeah so thats my spill for the day I just had a de ja vu moment.
Oh so I saw this quote outside the door to some ladies house by Albert schweitzer

In everyone's life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being. We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit.” ― Albert Schweitzer

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