Sunday, November 02, 2008

The Buck stops here.....

Okay so its one day to the elections and trust me things are getting nastier and nastier...the nominees from all the states are getting more and more desperate to outshine outdo outsmart and outvote each other....I was watching Sununu and Shaheen - they are running for New Hampshire and the ads are all all "We do not want more of the same George Bush" , Bush this Bush that Bush and taxes Bush and the war its all his fault....but you know the strange thing , I think its just human nature to want to put the blame on someone....Its so much easier to say I dint do it its all your fault...The proverbial kid that has just broken a glass...the first words that come to mind - "I dint do it.." So back to the politics - I think the whole dow dipping below negative , the credit crunch , fore closures etc what if I said Bush is not entirely to blame??I think this is a hole that America has dug herself into over the years...I am not trying to be cynical - far from it but for real as Rev Wright put it Americas chicken have come home to roost...this is in many aspects - from the credit lending - I mean how do you use and use and spend and spend money that is not that you will not be able to pay back at the end of the month??Open up anybodys wallet around many creadit cards will fall out like bats out of hell...So many calls at the end of the month Hi am calling from Jack n Jill collection agency am calling about a debt...Hi am calling on behalf of ABC bank your loan is over much as America I can give credit as the hardest working nation.....(trust me people here work liek hell - a good 60 % of people are averaging two jobs) I have to say the whole living from pay check to paycheck has to stop here!!at the end of the month the money has gone to paying the car paying the TV paying the laptop everything is on mother always told me "do not live above your means" instead of blaming Bush - yes I do admit some of his descions have been off the radar - we need to sit back and say no the buck stops here this time...I cannot blame Bush for spending this credit card to the limit....yes I could blame him for the war in Iraq - but then again thats a whole historic Sunni Shiite battle that goes waaay back -but please guys...if we want the country to change the age old adage change begins at home has to apply....if you cannot afford to pay that monthly payement on that Rav 4 let it slide - get a cheap used honda for now and sit back and think how you can make money to get a new car guys I have the busiest week coming up ...exams projects..and other odds and ends I need to tie up...
ok so next time I will be writing we will hae a new this space

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