Sunday, May 11, 2008

The Kite Runner

Oh Yes I forgot to mention this awesome book I am reading by Khalled Hosseini - the Kite Runner immigrant from Afghanistan when the governement was overthrown in the he is writing about his days as a young boy in Kabul with his best friend before he was deported to the US.The laws that did not favour women , the lack of education etc..Today he is an MD in I think he shows the differnet paths his and his best friends lives took..and it is just so awesome to see how life changes for people...anyway the point of this was a quote that his mother told his sister one day...who is very succesful right now the mother was like , "Do not get used to cooking and cleaning coz thats what you will be doing for the rest of your life." The reason is today is Mothers Day and the men at the church were supposed to roast meat so mary tells me at the end of the service there was hush hush and confusion and eventually they find out nothing was prepared for them...I was so aggravated to hear this coz all the time it is the ladies of he church who are cooking cleaning when there are functions at the church so the least the men could do was for mothers day..and you know why? some African men are still caught in this mindset that a womans place is in the kitchen well honey you have another thing coming..Maybe thats y my relationships are short - lived as soon as we start role playing - you be in the kitchen I put my feet up I am like brother to the left!!!!!!! So ladies lets think outside that small box..yes I do admit there are points we feel oblidged to cook and clean but it shouldnt be such a stressful thing...let it come naturally....Robert Kyosaki in his Retire Rich Retire Young book semas something like do not expound so much energy in something you are not good your energy to perfect what you excel if you are not the best home those books and get crackalacking!!!!!!!!!!
okay through the window am so sleepy!

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