Every other Tuesday I attend a fellowship in Quincy last night being no exception it is such a blessed time.... here are some pics from the Quincy website Deno right there was my first friend in Salem State College who gave me mawaidtha here and there and introduced me to the fellowship.There he is ati fundishaing pool-yeah right Deno you you just wanted to appear next to the preety mama....
Anyway this was Oktober Fest this coming Sato is the amazing race brainchild of the ever so talented Macha-member of Quincy This guy can piga those drums you are left like sawa!!!Anyway this is the place to be every Tuesday from seven to ten oh and then did I mention after that there is "Kahoa" directly translated to mean coffee we go to Dunkin Donuts and have coffee and steakbombs-(trust me I dint know what those were till I joined) and chat and chat till past midnight ..generally its the place to be if you need refreshing ....
"...The pessimist sees the hole the optimist sees the doghnut...."
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