Today I had quite an interesting morning the Cable Guy from Comcast came to install cable and cracked the hell out of me..He is a Cambodian and was telling me how he had his first joint last week and in a second he says he felt as though he was in heaven..he ended up driving all the way to the Canadian border where he was asked by the officials for identification and where he was going all he answered was "am driving home so let me through"he was whisked off to the cell faster than he could say Jack Robinson..
So anyway I have had quite a tuliad week the weather getting all winterish and grey.... Christmas is round the corner it is looking so beautiful the leaves have fallen off the trees like completely it is totally cool...
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Monday, November 27, 2006

Okay so last week was Thanksgiving we had a whole week off school to make merry and eat as much turkey and go state hopping looking for where the party at...I was in Beverly Farms with The Richardsons-my American host family I wanted to experience the real Thanksgiving... kwanza I thought thanksgiving is a dinner affair kumbe its a lunch thing but trust me the turkey took 5 hours to cook so we ended up eating at around 4 but it was such a good time.The whole family had come down from all over the States-Tomy from Florida with his amazing angels-Katy and Kevin,Pamela from Rhode Island with her husband Matt and daughter Amy... Peter from Framingham oh my generally we were so many- around 15-20 at the table there was loads and loads of hams a 30 pound turkey corn on the cob duck meat ice creams pies.... generally so much food and laughter and of course we had to go round in turns giving thanks for anything and everything and I was just glad to have made it to the States and be around such warm people....sniff sniff so am I getting emotional we joked and played with the kids till late into the night..the next morning we continued with a huge breakfast-bacon,sausages..gosh am getting hungry..then we went out shopping we took up about 3vans we went to BJs for shopping then for lunch at some restaurant we had like 4 tables i think we got a quantity discount on the total cost..
So I left later on in the evening took a train to Boston with the guys from the family they were going to watch a Celtics game I was coming back to Lowell so generally that was my Thanksgiving day....
Friday, November 17, 2006

Right there at the center is my front deskie for KCSE she is called Daisy Kamal-yeah the full Jango shadiness with their Oprah Winfrey Onyango names.But she is such a sweetie.Here she is at a pals place in Canada - a bash or something..oh yeah she is a party animal - was entertainment prefect back in high school with my other very close friend Lydia-we call each other blondie coz jokes used to be cracked and we used to laugh like 5 minutes later....ahhh good times good times....So right now I am at the CALL center all alone Jay-my boss has gone for lunch Kathleen my other boss has gone home-Friday and suddenly when I am left alone is when the place has become so busy someone wants something done, information on a course and am like AAAAAGGGGH!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, November 16, 2006
hi it has been such a long time since i posted anything..mainly coz I had a dull weekend and second I have had a bad flu can you imagine I already have a flu and winter na bado.... my throat has been so soar and my nose looked like Pinnochios but now I am all good.Right now I am in the IT lab in school I have just got here it is approximately 8;30 the weather outside is so dull and grey I am waiting for 9thirty i enter my shift for the CALL center which is where I work in school I am sooooo sleepy trust me I am not a morning person..The whole arise and shine Wakey I dont feel that vibe I am more a work late into the night/early morning hours sleep at 5 in the morning wake up at ten or eleven..okay right now as you can see I am blabbering on and on about alot of nothing...
'What lies behind us & what lies before us are tiny matter compared to what lies within us'
Ralph Waldo Emerson
'What lies behind us & what lies before us are tiny matter compared to what lies within us'
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Election Day
Yesterday was election day though I havent been such a keen follower of whats happening in and around whose voting who which is which all I can say is, where I am right now-Massachussetes the best man won I am totally a democrat and the brilliant Patrick Deval was last night elected as Governor of Mass.I totally admire his approach as he is Putting the needs of immigrants as top prioroty which is a serious issue that needs to be adressed in the U.S.Factors such as citizenship, status etc below is an extract of a part of his speech and a short clip right here
Hope, vision and hard work
I can still remember when I first came to Massachusetts. I wasn’t a lawyer then. I wasn’t a business leader or a senior government official. I wasn’t a father or a husband and goodness knows I wasn’t a candidate for governor. I was a 14-year-old boy, starting a new life that was as different from anything I'd experienced in Chicago as I could possibly imagine. And I was scared.
But my grandmother had a saying that fortified me: “Hope for the best – and work for it.”
Hope for the best – and work for it.
That’s what I did. I hoped for the best – I learned how not to accept what is right in front of me, what someone else said were my limits. I learned how to imagine a better life and a better way. And I worked for it.
I learned to listen to common sense and wisdom, to be true to my core values, and to ignore those who called me naïve or told me to accept something less.Standing on the brink of an uncertain future, with all the challenges our state faces today, I hope for the best and am prepared to work for it.
And that is why I am running and why I'm asking you to help me become your next governor. I want you to see what’s possible in Massachusetts – and to help me work for it.
Hope, vision and hard work
I can still remember when I first came to Massachusetts. I wasn’t a lawyer then. I wasn’t a business leader or a senior government official. I wasn’t a father or a husband and goodness knows I wasn’t a candidate for governor. I was a 14-year-old boy, starting a new life that was as different from anything I'd experienced in Chicago as I could possibly imagine. And I was scared.
But my grandmother had a saying that fortified me: “Hope for the best – and work for it.”
Hope for the best – and work for it.
That’s what I did. I hoped for the best – I learned how not to accept what is right in front of me, what someone else said were my limits. I learned how to imagine a better life and a better way. And I worked for it.
I learned to listen to common sense and wisdom, to be true to my core values, and to ignore those who called me naïve or told me to accept something less.Standing on the brink of an uncertain future, with all the challenges our state faces today, I hope for the best and am prepared to work for it.
And that is why I am running and why I'm asking you to help me become your next governor. I want you to see what’s possible in Massachusetts – and to help me work for it.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
A Fallen Hero
On Friday last week I was humbled to attend one of the most honourable funeral services in my lifetime.It was a send-off fit for a king but thats what Anthony Laban Kimungu deserved for the life he lived and the light he brought to this world.After fighting in the US Army marines for about four years he came home two weeks ago with a vow to look after his mother finally though it was short lived..Generally speaking I am at a loss of words to describe this vibrant character that God had to take home.He has a website set up coz really this blog space is just to small to express the loss of such a great brother,friend,son,hero.....Keep smiling down on us Anthony...
"..A candle that burns twice as bright only has to burn half as long..."

"..A candle that burns twice as bright only has to burn half as long..."
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Quincy Fellowship

Every other Tuesday I attend a fellowship in Quincy last night being no exception it is such a blessed time.... here are some pics from the Quincy website Deno right there was my first friend in Salem State College who gave me mawaidtha here and there and introduced me to the fellowship.There he is ati fundishaing pool-yeah right Deno you you just wanted to appear next to the preety mama....
Anyway this was Oktober Fest this coming Sato is the amazing race brainchild of the ever so talented Macha-member of Quincy This guy can piga those drums you are left like sawa!!!Anyway this is the place to be every Tuesday from seven to ten oh and then did I mention after that there is "Kahoa" directly translated to mean coffee we go to Dunkin Donuts and have coffee and steakbombs-(trust me I dint know what those were till I joined) and chat and chat till past midnight ..generally its the place to be if you need refreshing ....
"...The pessimist sees the hole the optimist sees the doghnut...."
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