Dec 1st 2019 - a year since we landed in Toronto from Boston. The pic above is from the plane as we were departing. The sun was setting on a late fall evening - those days when the sun sets at 4:00pm - a sure sign that winter is around the corner. For me this was so symbolic of the setting of an era ; a sign from above that our time was up. You see for the past 12 years, my husband and I have called Boston home. It is here we met in college, made friends who became family, went on road trips, and served at our local church. I remember this time last year as though it were yesterday. There were so many unknowns - so much uncertainty and downright fear. You see our daughter was 4 months old - like her neck had kaukad just enough to hold it upright on her own. She was still 100% breastfeeding.We knew like one person in the whole city. So there we landed - two small kids, car seats, hubby drove across the border with a good friend and a Uhaul in tow; with all our possessions on earth, ready to start a fresh. I remember after the Customs and Immigration official stamped the entry visas and said, " Welcome to Canada." I was like this is it - no turning back.We checked into a Comfort Inn close to the house for the night as we were exhausted - emotionally more than physically - it takes a lot from a human to leave behind all you have known and step into the unknown. Flash forward a year later. Our lives have definitely changed. We are not where / who we were a year ago. The start was bumpy for sure - as all new things are. There were literally times during the year I remember asking my hubby, "Did we make a mistake?" and of course in his always steady tone replied, "No. and even if we did, we will make it work." Today I can tell you with 100% clarity it was never a mistake, Canada may not be perfect - there are things we miss terribly about Boston - but guess what - that is all they are, THINGS.
The nuggets I have taken away from this year:
1.)God is faithful. Even when we are faithless He remains faithful. He is ALWAYS working things out for your good. Like imagine that. The creator of the universe is somewhere writing your life symphony.In the details He is there. In the huge projects He is there.
2.)Children are resilient. You can drop them in Timbuktu or Russia and they will thrive if you surround them with love and remind them they always have a safe place they can come to called home.
3.) Cross that bridge. There is so much more waiting for you on the other side of your fear. There are literally people who cannot cross their bridge until you cross yours.Reaching their promised land hinges on you reaching the shores of yours. They need you to make that move, start that business and make that engagement proposal. So do it.
4.)Trust the process. Things may look messy, as though they are not making any sense but if you keep putting one foot in front of the other the pieces of the puzzle will fall into place and you will see the picture come together beautifully.
5.)Its harder to make friends when you are older. You see the older we get, the more fixed we are in our ways and our krap radar is so sensitive - you can smell it from a mile away. However I promise you, if you allow yourself to be open to new people and experiences you can learn, grow and forge new friendships with people in all seasons of your life.
6.) Do not settle for average. We are 24 days away from crossing into 2020 and ultimately a new decade. Do not settle for average relationships, average work heck even average food. If someone cannot pay you or see you for what you are worth please do yourself a favor and find your life work.
7.) My definition of success has changed this year - both personally and professionally. Define what success means to you and let no one tell you otherwise.
Over and out,