Well maybe fetish is too strong a word...I remember growing up I used to collect stamps and coins...I had a pink little album and it had stamps from Poland to Germany to China - I even have no idea where I got them from...I think the book came with stamps and I added a few here and there..I also had interesting coins and notes from different countries - it was interesting...So now that I have moved away from all that I just received a magnet the other day from a colleague who went to Jamaica...I dint even ask her it has become standard protocol. Anyone travelling out of state brings me fridge magnet and as you can see the collection is growing...I love to travel and see new thinsg - taste different foods... The fridge magnets give me a sample of these places - that hopefully one day I will go....But for now let me enjoy the Grand Turks magnet and imagine warm sand and cool pina coladas on clear blue waters.
"The world is too round to sit at one corner. "
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
Friday, May 15, 2015
This Lindsey!!
This Lindsey woman is the reason I will still try and learn how to play the violin...enjoy her video shot on location ova in the Mara??
We found love
We found love
Stay hungry stay foolish
One of the lines that stuck with me from Steve Jobs commencement adress to the Stanford class - "stay hungry stay foolish. " So this past two weekends I have got to witness two of my dearest friends wear a cap and gown as they graduate and I have been filled with a sense of happiness and pride its crazy..
Every Spring millions of college kids across this great nation walk across podiums to receive four five even six years of an accumulation of hard work sweat and toil.and every Spring I always have tears in my eyes when I see graduates in their caps and gowns - this year being no different.There is just something about commencement that fills one with a sense of hope (even if the GDP may be saying a different story).It feels just like the other day when I adressed my graduating class and the line that resonated with me then and still does is , "For whether it has taken you three four five years or even more to graduate believe me when I tell you time is never of the essence when it come to education - Your here you have done it and that is all that matters." For me graduation speaks of hope, the end of one journey and the beginning of another - while some may argue that education is very relative especially in a society where you can literally enroll in a course for free at Hahvard - (insert Bostonian accent here) and even google/ youtube anything you want to create or invent. The answer lies in that earning that degree takes some serious perseverance. Looking at the three people up here all I can say is yall see the glory I know the story - just saw that line in a blog and had to steal it...They each have a unique story. So for me I am just glad that the tears, the late nights the assignments have all been worth it. Congratulations to the class of 2015.... !!!
Work is love made visible. And if you can't work with love, but only with distaste, it is better that you should leave your work and sit at the gate of the temple and take alms of the people who work with joy”
Khalil Gibran
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