Tuesday, February 10, 2015

I will just leave this here for reference

Because music adds color to life...the violin the piano...the voice the lyrics...the eye candy :0...
Love this song and love this rendition with Lindsey sterling https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwsYvBYZcx4

My social media detox..

Soooo here I am after a while away from my think pad aka blog....It feels great to be back..there is something so liberating about writing - its like a journey with no destination. Your thoughts can wonder left or right - the road can turn, you can write and say anything without thinking oh will I offend anyone with this post...will I get enough likes. And that is a reason I am back.I am on a social media detox - well specifically facebook - since I am not on Instagram or twirra...Yeah after much hupla I deactivated my account because for real my name is Penny and I am addicted to facebook...Yani there is this test you give an alcoholic its called the CAGE test basically four questions - Have you ever thought of Cutting Back? Have people ever Annoyed you by criticizing your drinking? Have you ever felt Guilty about your drinking? Have you had an Eye Opener...and yes i answered yes to 3/4 of these questions with facebook..It hit me one morning -my alarm clock went off after half an hour of snoozing and stretching i picked the phone and went straight to the facebook icon - and it did not happen once or twice, a couple of times enough for me to say hey get a grip and get over the Fear of Being Left Out Syndrome...So I was like this is not a healthy lifestyle - I am looking into the mirror of other peoples lives before looking at My mirror - spending time in things of value first thing in the morning - studying the Word, or even watching Good morning America... And of course the time factor - so much and i mean so much time just scrolling next next to the end of the page and refreshing the page all over again and it hit me what am I looking for exactly?? There are great things on facebook - actually amazing videos, articles, humans of New York and on and on but I think for now let me breath and do me - find joy in meaningful phone conversations, face to face coffee dates without saying oops hold on let me take a picture of this latte update my status and say I am at Starbucks and on and on and on...And maybe personality wise I am different like that but it sometimes bothers me how people post pictures of their every move in the house, at work - with a million hashtags #watching a movie# #happy times# #making breakfast# eating breakfast# like get on with it....and have fun...maybe I am just hating lol but I think its so important to live in the moment...the pics are great but if your so busy looking for the camera to take a picture to upload it - in that instance you will miss the first steps that baby just took. And then the pressure on poor kids to come up with these performances on video to be uploaded for friends to see - they are constantly with cameras in their face left wondering wow my whole life is one big audition...Okay enough ranting who knows how long this will last - but for now its exhilarating...

I want you to back yourself into a corner. Give yourself no choice but to succeed. Let the consequences of failure become so dire and so unthinkable that you’ll have no choice but to do whatever it takes to succeed.”  Jordan Belfort - Wolf of Wall Street