Yeah so here I am on a windy cold Friday night / Saturday morning in what the weather men are calling the Blizzard of 2013...On the 3rd floor at a nurses station watching the clock go tick tock with my hot water lemon and tea....Yup where else to spend a blizzard than at work.There is something Mary W always used to tell me lady you would rather be masaa with bad weather why sleep at home wacha pesa I guess I have heeded her word...But this time I am glad I am at work.The reason is, I was hired by a company that takes care of both its staff and its residents alike.There must be some big wig at the top top who realizes that the work your employees give should not just be a reflection of their paycheck.And I can say with all honesty I love my organization not just for the paycheck - which may not be shabby altogether.Lets just say they had me at orientation.I cant even start to explain how I landed the job but the Director of Nursing was right when they said - they literally hand pick everyone who works here.Its not just another warm body to fill in a slot.The nurses and nursing aides are so awesome its such an amazing team .I actually have two people interested in sky diving this summer so watch this space...So anyhu I am digressing as always....So there is this big hulabaloo about the snowstoorm blizzard it is bad out .Trust me it was almost disgusting to see people wiping the bread isles and milk isles dry at markets all in the name of the storm - and I can bet you that food will go to waste...please take it to the shelter or buy blankets and drop them off at the shelter instead.I digress anyhu what has happened at work is they made sure the staff leaving at three left early and they had been provided with lunch we got dinner and tommorrow we getting hot breakfast - sausages bacon etc etc..Okay its not just the food I am going at all the admin staff have stayed behind from the Director to assistant director of nursing, to my nurse manager who is literally sleeping in her office to the administrator to the Human Resource manager.Yani the administrator was helping shovel cars outside at eleven for the staff who REALLY had to drive out in these conditions...and wait it gets better they have opened up apartments in their independent living faccility - and these are nice apartments with a bed hot shower clean sheets for those who feel they cant drive in this weather and those like me who tommorrow mornign will be I really applaud their work - its called the B culture around here.Because at B whether you have RN MSN MD JD JP after your name at the end of the day we are here for one purpose to serve the residents and be team players.I mean this is the ultimate show of team work.Again maybe its coz I also just came off working from a place where OMgee the word support was foreign I remember one night doing an admission of a patient - which takes forever doing the meds the treatments there was a discharge and I was so new right out of college and gosh everyone was just doing their own thing...But anyhu the long of the short I think the leaders at Brooksby are not just leaders by name but they are leaders by action.My nurse manager has a sign outside her door that reads A leader is one who knows the way goes the way and then shows others the whats the moral of this little story - lead where you are...take time to respect and appreciate the people who work with you....ok back to looking at the snow pummel my window
Oh another quote on my managers door, " Before you speak THINK is it True is it Honest is it Inspiring is it Necessary is it Kind."