Saturday, May 29, 2010
Of life and faith
So I have just come from watching a win or go home match between the Phoenix Suns and the L.A Lakers - really feel bad for the Suns they have done such a great job all season long..and I mean it would be good to have some variety for once to rep the Western side for the playofffs c kila saa Lakers Lakers.Anyhu they get to meet my lovely Celtics next Thursday - bring it on Lakers - lets show you what good basketball is all about...Oh back to my main story...So the last couple of weeks I have seen God.Yeah I know it sounds ???? but for real I have seen Gods hand in my life in ways I cannot even begin to describe.First two weeks ago I received a call that I had been awarded the Mary Coppola Scholarship -its some scholarship in the nursing school.Then the big one came this week.There is a fellowship that I had my eye on from last year November - can you say last year November .Yani I stumbled across the fellowship one of my late nights online and knew then and there that I was going to be a fellow by whatever means.Basically it is a 12 week fellowship where you are paired up with a minority mentor at Mass Gen and you get to go to various departments - get more hands on experience which is what I really want...So I applied - I think I was the first one to apply - initially there were between 30 - 40 applicants - and am talking applicants from kina Umass Amherst Boston College Brandeis you know the top shot schools so me there and my ka Salem State I said hey what the heck what do they have that I do not have.So anyhu from 30 we were zeroed down to ten then final 4 can you imagine I made it to the final four!!!So each of us had half an hour interview...So I check into the room I expect it to be me and one or MAYBE two people shock on me I enter and there were four ladies.Heh wacha they start introducing themselves.Am so and so director paediatric nursing am so and so director Orthopedic nursing at Mass gen. etc there I am putting on a straight face - oh nice to meet you...Haiya so the questions rolled in...Yani I am tellign you the confidence came from God.I was answerign questions that right now I wish I recorded myself coz I have no idea what I was sayign but funny by the end of it I was like "Gal you nailed that one."So they said they would get back to me in about two days...Anyhu the long of the short I got the fellowship!!!I was beyond myself with happiness - I think I have not yet swallowed up until now that I am a Hausman Fellow2010.You know I would open the website everytime I was online and see the fellows - last year I think there were two guys and one chick in th middle and trust me I would imagien my self there...So yes I got it and you know the thing that made me stay the course - one word Faith...Gosh for real its true faith as little as a mustard seed can move little as a mustard seed.Just the belief that Gods got it.Whatever teh situation is however things may appear Gods got it if you just have faith in Him.Gosh we serve such a huge God - the cattle and the sheep of the land are all His.If its that job you need if its those finances you need sorted if its happiness, an internship, friendship, a soulmate, a new life, a new career, a new car , new ANYTHING ask and have faith faith faith.Yeah today let me get all "spiri" yani the whole day Friday after the whole fellowship stuff went through I was a wreck - Oh my goodness its God just God whatever he starts he is sure to finish He can never leave you hanging most of the times its us who give up.Throughout the whole application I never even thought of giving up evn once - but this is just one of the few times - most times I face the mountain and turn around...Ok am done that was my ranting and raving for today...So yes I am officially a Mass Gen Hausmann Fellow 2010!!!
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Babies babies more babies....

So yesterday and today I spent a whole day trying to do my hair - and asusual when I got home I was like aai is this what I wanted??So anyhu the lady who was doign my hair - Juliet bless her soul - such a wonderful lady...has the most amazing baby - her name is Athena named afer the Greek goddess and she is so cuddly has the most amazing smile and she is constantly smiling...Then my other workmate had a baby too - both are Nigerian -oh and speaking of which I have absolutely fallen in love with egusi soup and foo - this is like the Nigerian delicacy and delicious it is.Both of my new found buddies Omo and Juliet are always fixing me Egusi soup when I go to their place.Funny it is made up of my three favourite meals - melon seeds - I love water melons , fish and it is so spicy - as in curry I loev it love it.....Oh so where was oh yeah so my dear Omo also got her baby last week - her name is Elora - means God is light...I went to see her she is so tiny and cuddly.They both allowed me to put pics on my blog for those days when life does not seem to make sense - I loook and see the innocence of childeren it amazes me...They are so cute I love children - I think they are a taste of heaven - the innocence the giggling the baby smell the chubby cheeks - dont you see and feel God in a little one oh gosh here are pics of Elora and Athena...
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