Monday, March 29, 2010

Loves of my life

Today is one of those low days in my life - happen very rarely - but yeah they do...when all I can do is bawl my eyes out and soak a Kleenex when I think how much I miss my I miss the days when we all we had was each other - when we shut out the world and all we did was laugh and tease each other.When I look back and see how far we have come as a family in this thing called life - the mountains we have climbed together from the
fun times we had at Golden Beach - getting soaked at the New Years eve parties, waiting up at midnight to open gifts under the Christmas tree - the look on someones face when they got that book they had wanted all year, dad leading the Christmas Carols ,driving around Sarit on christmas Eve - just window shopping - just being together made a world of difference.Oh Sunday lunches at Jacaranda after church - brunch we called it to fun at Sagret with the Munyokis,to days at Hs Number eleven when days got tough and to Kampala going to Garden City taking the Akamba together to Kla...hanging out in Wynberg and Rondebosch I mean the love is so thick you can cut it with a sadly we are so far apart now - different corners of the world I would give anything ANYTHING to have just one more day in the 90s in the Marenge house - the warmth the love the laughter the joy ....I miss you dad I miss you mum I miss you Jonah I miss you adi I miss you Jessy terribly terribly it almost hurts..

.....There are years that ask questions and there are years that answer them...."

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Logs and Splints in eyes

Yeah the title is very extremely weird but will make sense as I go along - I as I was driving to work the other day I pass a billboard for some watch comapny - Taugher or something it was some exotic looking model lady...anyhu a few months ago it had been Tiger Woods on the billboard until his whole saga with cheating on his wife and all his clandes - on the sides - came into the picture.Now another story - unrelated to this but holds the same a pastor that I hold so dear to me has been suspended "pending investigation" on reasons that are yet to be discovered.Immediately I heard this I was so distraught almost in tears...yeah I get soppy like that sometimes....So anyhu back to the the is witten somwhere in Proverbs - do not remove the splints from your brothers eye and yet you have a log in your eyes.... In short who are we to judge and point fingers at other people errs and mistakes...who are we to cast the first stone on the proverbial Prostitute...I mean before any man should raise a finger and lay blame he / she needs to search and examine the deepest of depths of their hearts I mean are their sins any bigger than ours....Generally we cannot go walking around being the judge of peoples actions.There is only one judge and his name is GOD so I believe as long as you make it reight personally with God the rest is up to him to judge and discipline accordingly..but we are all mortals subject to the same law subject to the same mistakes...ok am blabberign on its one a.m and am mad sleepy - have serious spring break fever coming up - did my last Med Surg exam today and it messed me up completely thank God I really passed the first exams...
Anyhu now I lay me down to sleep Lord I pray My soul to keep and if I die before I wake Lord I pray my sould to take

How we spend our days is of course how we spend our lives - Anne Dillard