Monday, January 28, 2008

Patrick Njiru.....

Yeah today I honestly feel like Patrick Njiru in his hey days I have been continously driving from 8 in the morning till up about now I got lost as usual in the morning looking for the doctors kiosk so for one hour I was driving around Andover looking for the podiatrist - dont ask....lookingas suspicious as ever like a parol!!!So anyway after that drove home then drove to Salem and trust me these distances are not ati from mama pimas to baba pimas across the road I am talking a good one to two hours on a highway and the way nowadays I cruise at 80mph - too much Italian job..speaking of which the minnie cars are haunting my existence.I love those minnie cars to death - everyone around me knows that everywhere I look I c those babies they make me weak in my knees...right now my fantasy would be to cruise in a minnie just for ten minutes or half an hour on the 95 interstate thats all I ask Santa pls????I am seriously not a fan of big cars although my sister loves big cars big everything.I guess it says alot about personality...I prefer the simpler things in life just being content and happy inside is all that matters to me....
Okay I am beginning to dribble and drab about nothing yah coz its twelve thirty and oh yah the week did not start out as bad as I was dreading actually I love my classes today my proffesors are ladies..which is ok with me but I think I prefer male proffessors.....I think its the whole Mars Venus attraction that makes me succeed inmy classes when the proffesors are men..ok so yes I have begun to sound like I have taken one to many shots of gnite.

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