Thursday, January 03, 2013

What greater Love has he ...

 Yep yep yep today we have pics finally (after requesting permission of course)So yes today I was on that dreaded monster that everyone has sworn to stay away from as part of their new year resolutions - yep Facebook - cmon guys you know you miss it.... and I was moved by my friend Ms. B who shaved her hair in solidarity with her boyfriend who is undergoing chemo.Betty told me "he is the bravest person she has met and he inspires her everday and she would shave her head a thousand times over if she could."I first met Ms B a couple of years back we were bridesmaids at a wedding.The thing that struck me the most about her is that she is one person who knows the real meaning of YOLO .she takes life by the horns and is not afraid to let go of the shore.... The first pic is him in a chemo session and she is holding on tight to his hand.Then you can see he is the one shaving off her hair and finally the final product....And for real I immediately thought of the scripture what greater love has a man that he would lay down his life for another...well this is a whole different kind of sacrifice but for me it resonates with what true love is and should be all about - standing with you through the thick and the thin.Through sickness and in health till death shall we part....I have been thinking a lot about this the last couple of weeks I work with a population in their early nineties - yes  people who have lived through the first and second world wars.These are people who have dined in Paris , one of my favorite ladies has been all over the world six times, some were CEOs of companies I cannot write here, they have mansions in Florida but at the end of it all ...only one thing stands the loves of their life....There are so many couples who bring me immense warmth and joy.One of them the wife is a hospice patient - like literally on her death bed and EVERYDAY the old little husband comes in with a walker to sit beside her and hold her hand and she says nothing and he leaves after half an hor but for him thats the best half an hour in his day.I remember last week when we took he out of bed for dinner he found her in the dining room the husband was so happy I overhead him tell a perfect stranger "They took my wife out of bed to the dining room today." I could not help but smile.Another couple married 68 years every day at four pm the husband visits from downstairs and trust me at three forty five Mrs X is always antsy 'I wonder where he is ?" Penny we have been married sixty eight great years!!! she tells me, and they have been the happiest of my life.And then sure enough at 3:59 you hear the door open I hear her "There he is!!" and I am suddenly forgotten and there he goes -  wheeling her down the corridor...This by the way is EVERYDAY...I am saddened to think of the day when the clock will strike four and the door will not open...what will I tell her? Usually they say such couples when one dies the other never lasts long..There are so many other little vignettes of love here and there but my main thing is how beautiful love is...I looked at the pic of my friend Ms B shaving her hair and was like these are the moments that define life so you go gal stand by your Mr. man!!!


Casey Marenge said...

she is very beautiful…

Casey Marenge said...

oh I meant to say, reminds me of that movie