Sunday, February 21, 2010

Decisions Decisions

So the other day I was at Market Basket getting my groceries.So am at the cereal aisle as usual I went straight for my Smart Start - yani I recommend that cereal for anyone having bowel issues - ok am getting graphic but you feel me it is works wonders...So anyway as usual the cereal aisle has like a million and one cereals.So there was a mum and her I think two year old daughter and the lady asks her "pick out the cereal you want"..Yeah I know it sounds trivial and thinking uh huh aaand...but as I walked away I started thinking how the upbringing here is so different from my lovely Kenya well Africa in general.From an early age kids here are given the responsibility to make choices speak out ...I rememeber growing up the only cereal I knew was Weetabix and had no say on whether I liked it or not you had to eat what was there and you had to do as required.I think that early decision making fosters a sense of independence which is so important - it makes you aware of teh fact that the decisions I make affect me no one else but me...If I decide not to study for this exam it will be me getting a flunking grade...However on teh flip side I beleive there are those decisions that my folks made that enabled me to be where I am today to think and act the way I do today that without that intervention I may have had no sense of direction.So it really is a tough call depending on what side you look a it...So am really sleepy have a mega long day - back to back until eleven so now I lay me down to sleep...Lord I pray my soul to keep and if I die before I wake Lord I pray my soul to take.....Oh oh wait there was a powerful song the choir sung in church - well they have sung it a couple of times but it always makes me go punches in the air punches in the air.My best phrase from the song is...'My storage is empty and I am available to you Lord.."Isnt that something or is it me getting sleepy???

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